
13 July 2013

My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent

My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers #1)
by Rachel Vincent

She doesn’t see dead people, but...

She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally.

Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who’ll be next...

I had planned on reading this one a couple of months ago, but I just wasn't in the mood for it. But this month I decided I was finally going to read it because I was extremely curious about a series with a banshee in it (since I've never read one).
I was hooked the second I started reading this book. I liked that we got to discover about Kate along with her. It kept me hooked because I was desperate to find out more about her and see what her reaction would be.

Kaylee was a fantastic character. At first, I felt really bad for her because she had no idea what was going on with her and she kept jumping to the worst possible conclusion. Also, she thought she was crazy. But Kate was such a genuine character that I was desperate for her to find out the truth so that she could finally understand. She was so nice and friendly and she didn't deserve what she had to go through to keep her from finding out what she is.

I loved Nash. He was so sweet when he and Kaylee first spoke. He genuinely wanted to help her. He was nice and funny, and extremely hot. He helped Kate discover who she is and he also helped her when she had to prevent her screams. 

This storyline was full of action. I was dying to find out who was killing all of these girls and why they were doing it, and when I did, my jaw dropped! I wanted to kick myself for not realizing it sooner! It seemed so obvious when it was all revealed. We also had things going on with the reapers and that bomb that Nash's mum dropped at the end was brilliant too. I never saw that coming either and now it's made me even more curious to find out what's going to happen in the next book!

I really really loved this book! It's definitely one I'd recommend reading :)


  1. You're reading all the best books lately :D I approve! I'm so glad you loved this one, since that means that you're going to ADORE the following books. A lot of people think that the first couple are the weakest in this series. I love them all though :) Especially If I Die! Keep an eye out for Tod feelings XD

    1. Ahaha, I'm glad you approve! :D
      I'm hoping to pick up the next two after the booktube-a-thon, because I've got them sitting there waiting to be read! Ooh, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Tod :)

  2. I bought this a month or two ago because of a Kindle deal but have been debating picking it up for a while now. I definitely will after reading your review!
    Really glad you liked this, Samantha!

    1. You should definitely pick it up! It was brilliant :D
