
30 July 2013

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
Series: Starcrossed #1
Publisher: MacMillan Children's
Publication Date: June 2011
Source: Bought

How do you defy destiny?

Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.

As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.

Starcrossed was one of the very first books I even bought on my kindle last year. It was also the very first book I read on my kindle, but I decided to re-read Starcrossed & Dreamless this year because Goddess has just came out and I can't remember everything that happened in this series. I also decided that I was going to re-read it because I was taking part in the BookTube-A-Thon and one of the challenges was to re-read a book so I thought it was the perfect time to re-read it!

Starcrossed was a book I'd always loved. I mean, it includes Greek mythology so I think it was agiven that I was going to love it because I've always been interested in it. So this book follows our main character Helen Hamilton who feels like she's slightly different from everyone else. She never gets sick, she can run really fast and she's insanely strong. And then the Delos family show up in town. Helen is sick of hearing about them and goes out of her way to avoid them. But then Helen catches sight of Lucas Delos and feels the urge to kill him. Helen has no idea what's got into her and why she feels like this. She's determined to find out.

Helen was a brilliant character. I loved discovering everything along with her. It helped me understand it more and allowed me to see how Helen reacted to finding out who she is. Helen is a very shy character, but she's also really funny and really nice. I enjoyed learning about her and seeing her development during the book.

Lucas, Lucas, Lucas. I love Lucas. He's so sweet and caring (even when he's trying to kill Helen). He's always looking out for her and helped her discover and understand who she is. 

I loved the rest of the Delos family too. They're all so friendly and sweet! Hector is definitely my favourite though. He's so cocky and funny! He pushes Helen to help her be able to defend herself. He may take it slightly too far sometimes, but I love Hector. Ariadne, Jason, Castor & Noel were all brilliant too! The only Delos that I didn't like was Creon. He was out to get Helen and the rest of the Delos family and I just didn't care for him at all.

I also didn't care for Helen's mother. Mainly because she was a bitch. Like a superbitch. I hope Helen finds out the truth about everything and never ever forgives her mum.

Claire was a fantastic best friend! When she found out about Helen and she revealed she already knew because of the things she did to Helen when she was younger I was in stitches! She's so funny and likable and Helen couldn't have a more amazing best friend.

I loved the whole storyline! With Helen discovering who she is and learning about Greek mythology and why the Delos' ended up back on the island. Helen and Lucas' relationship was brilliant too. Those two make the perfect couple! And then there was the whole trying to find out who's house Helen is from because she certainly wasn't from the same house as the Delos' family. And then ofcourse there was the whole thing with Creon trying to get to Helen so that he could get rid of her and raise Atlantis.

Overall, I really really loved re-reading this book and re-discovering my love for it. I loved everything about it and I highly recommend it!


  1. I love mythology and just for that and your 4 star review I think I'm going to have to read this. Oh and horrible parents in young adult books is starting to get on my nerves darn it. I'm glad you chose this one to re-read.

    1. You should definitely read this! It's the second time I've read it and I loved it just as much as the first time.
      Helen's mums different though. She's... complicated.

  2. I remember really loving this one when I read it a few years ago, I have the others waiting for me so I really need to re-read this like you did! Thanks for the review, and for reminding me why I loved this book! :)

    1. I'm going to be re-reading Dreamless next month and then getting on to Goddess! I'm really excited to re-read Dreamless and finish the series. I can't wait to see what's going to happen. :)
