
7 July 2013

Summer Lovin' Read-a-thon: Day 7

Day 7: "We Go Together"
List your accomplishments, big and small.
Did you make some new friends? Call them out.
Then hop around and congratulate the other participants on their successes.

So despite straying away from my planned reading list towards the end of the week, I've managed to accomplish my goals! In total, I've managed to read 8 books, and I think that's me done! I doubt I'll be able to squeeze another book in today since I'm going to be pretty busy but I'm so happy that I managed to reach my goal and read and extra book!

I've had so much fun participating in this read-a-thon! I've loved doing the challenges I participated in and visiting new blogs has been fun too!
Good luck to everyone for the last day of the read-a-thon!

Day 7 - Progress

No. of books read today: 1
Total number of books read: 8
No. of pages read: Obsidian - 193 pages

Overall Progress

Total number of books read: 8
Books read: Throne of Glass, Unearthly, The Summer I Became A Nerd, Across the Universe, My Soul to Take, The Maze Runner, The Distance Between Us & Obsidian.
Total number of pages read: 2939 pages


  1. Wow! You read a lot of books. Congratulations! :D

    1. Thank you! I never expected to get them all read!

  2. You've done amazingly! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Distance Between Us!

    1. Thank you! I loved it! It was such a cute, sweet read :)

  3. Goodness you read a lot of awesome books! I LOVED Throne of Glass and can't wait t see what you thought of it!

    Thank you for participating and for having fun with it!

    -Octavia of Read. Sleep. Repeat. and a Pink Lady

    1. I loved it too! I should have a review up in the next couple of days! :)
      Thank you for hosting the read-a-thon! I really enjoying taking part in it!

  4. Congrats on your reading goals! It's okay to go off plan and pick other books sometimes you have to go with what grabs your attention.

    1. Thank you! I know. I just really didn't want to read the books I'd planned to and decided to pick up a few that I'd just bought that I was dying to read.
