
1 July 2013

Summer Lovin' Read-a-thon: Goals & Day 1

Today is the first day of the Summer Lovin' Read-a-thon! This month is going to be packed full of read-a-thons for me [this is the first of 3 this month] so I'm hoping I'll be able to get a lot of reading done!

Day 1: Class Orientation (Introduce Yourself)

Hello everyone! For those of you who don't already know me, my name is Samantha. I'm a 20 year old student from Glasgow! I'm currently at University studying Psychology with Interactive Entertainment, which I enjoy most of the time.
I've been reading since I was extremely young. I can't for the life of me remember what it was that got me into reading, but I'm glad it happened.
Book blogging was something I actually didn't come across until last year. I had no idea it existed! I'm so happy that I came across it though because reading other people's blogs and seeing them expressing their love for books was what made me start blogging in the first place.
I read mostly YA/Childrens books & NA novels, but sometimes I'll read some Adult fiction. It really just depends on what kind of mood I'm in - but it's mostly YA/Childrens fiction.
I'm planning on reading 7 books for this read-a-thon!. 

1. Looking for Alaska by John Green
2. Ash by Malinda Lo
3. The Maze Runner by James Dashner
4. My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent
5. Across the Universe by Beth Revis
6. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
7. Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

Challenge #1: Teaser Tidbits
  • Grab the book you're currently reading (or recently read) 
  • Open to a random page 
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page  NO spoilers allowed! Choose passages void of spoilers. The goal is to entice, yet not ruin the book for others! 
  • Share the title & author, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers! 
  • Last and but not least, link up your post using the InLinkz below so that others participants can check out your post! You must link up in order to get your participation entry point! You MUST enter using the InLinkz to get your point.
"Knowing he'd only cause more trouble for himself If he stayed, the Crown Prince of Adarlan bowed silently and he left his father, eyes gleaming with barely controlled anger."


No. of books finished: 2
Books read:
Throne of Glass, Unearthly
No. of pages read: Throne of Glass - 420 pages, Unearthly - 435 pages: 855 pages


  1. Oh wow, Psychology! I find it really interesting and I enjoyed taking a psychology class. I tend to read up on some concepts for fun sometimes. Across the Universe is a book that I should definitely get around to finding because I've heard good things about it. Happy reading!

    1. Sometimes it can be interesting, but there are parts of Psychology that I just don't like or it's far too confusing!
      I'm excited to read it!

  2. i like your choices! :D

  3. Psychology is really awesome ;) I'm doing my bachelor's this fall and I think I get to do child psychology at some point and I'm excited for it. Happy reading this week!

    1. It is! I'm enjoyed it, but I'm looking forward to when we get more in depth about the different careers for psychology. We haven't had much of that yet. Ooh, child psychology sounds really good! I hope you do get to do a bit of it!
      Thanks :)

  4. YOU LIVE IN GLASGOW??? That is so cool! And psychology is really cool!And great books!!! I love The Maze Runner, Unearthly, Throne of Glass, and Across the Universe is okay!!! Love your teaser!!!

    1. Yes I do :)
      Aha, if you lived here you wouldn't think it was that cool :P
      I just finished Throne of Glass (and I LOVED it) & I'm moving on to Unearthly now :)

  5. I LOVE ACROSS THE UNIVERSE!!! Amazing books(: I have no doubt you'll reach your goal(: Great Teaser post!

    1. I'm hoping to pick it up after Unearthly! I can't wait to read it!
      Thank you :D

  6. Hi Samantha! :D Those are some awesome books you have lined up for this week - I've read Looking for Alaska, Unearthly, Across the Universe, and The Maze Runner, and loved them all! And I've heard really good things about the rest.

    Happy reading this week! :D

    ~ Nikki @ There were books involved...

    1. Thank you!
      I'm really excited to read them all :)

  7. Hey Samantha!

    Awesome book list! A few of them are actually on my TBR list! Great teaser tidbit. I hope you enjoy the rest of the read-a-thon!

    Tamara Shelf Addiction
    Summer Lovin Host

    1. Thank you!
      I've been wanting to read most of them forever now!
      Thanks! :)

  8. Replies
    1. Yeah. Yesterday was a good reading day for me :)

  9. Samantha those are awesome books in your list, I love the teaser so I think I'll move up Sarah J Maas' series higher in my TBR pile :D

    Hope you enjoy the Summer Lovin readathon, it's one of the best ones I've participated in as I love all the interactions between participants.

    My Summer Lovin Intro post

    1. Thank you!
      You should definitely read it soon! It was fantastic! It's definitely one of my favourites of the year :)
      I'm really enjoying it! I've been having fun taking part in the challenges and spending all day reading.

  10. You have an amazing TBR list! I loved Throne of Glass, Unearthly, Across the Universe and The Maze Runner and really enjoyed My Soul To Take (I'm currently working my way through this series and Looking for Alaska. Good luck and have fun! :)

    1. I'm reading The Maze Runner just now! I've read the other 4 and I really enjoyed them :)
      I'm hoping to get onto Looking for Alaska after The Maze Runner.
      Thanks! :)
