
13 August 2013

A-Z Bookish Survey!

I've seen a lot of bloggers over the past couple of days doing the A-Z Reading Challenge that was created by Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner, and I thought that it looked like a lot of fun to do!

According to Goodreads, my most read author is Rachel Caine! That I can believe, since there are 14 books in the Morganville series that have been released just now and I've read 13.

I think I'm going to have to go with Crown of Midnight for this one. I only read it recently, but it blew me away because I never expected it to be that good!

Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
I'm re-reading the first two books before I go to see the Sea of Monsters movie!
Whatever is in the fridge really, so: coke, irn-bru, lemonade, water, etc.
I love my Kindle, but I much prefer having a physical book. Nothing beats the physical book.
Although, kindle books are a lot cheaper...
Hmm, who to choose. I think I'm going to go with St.Clair from Anna and the French Kiss. I just love him so much!
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald. I'm not a massive Classics reader, so I wasn't sure whether I was going to like this or not. I ended up really enjoying it!
Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
The day I started blogging. Ever since then, my reading genres have grown and I've met a lot of bloggers! 
Angelfall by Susan Ee
Non-fiction. They just don't interest me.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (766 pages)
Angelfall by Susan Ee
I can't seem to focus on anything after finishing that one.
One. And it's almost full! I definitely need to get another one.
The Host by Stephenie Meyer
I always prefer to read in my bed. It's comfy :)
"All was well." - J K Rowling, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
I bawl my eyes out every single time I read that last line.
I don't really think I have any.
The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa
I need to get to The Iron Knight soon!
The 'Harry Potter' series by J K Rowling, The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen & Anna and the French Kiss by Stephenie Perkins.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. I've made all my friends read it!
Allegiant by Veronica Rother [October 22nd!]
Hmm, probably that I buy too many books and it takes me forever to get around to reading them.
Chosen by PC Cast & Kristen Cast
Throne of Glass Novellas by Sarah J Maas
Delirium by Lauren Oliver kept me up the latest, mainly because I couldn't sleep. I finished it at 5am one morning.


  1. Nothing can beat the physical books, I completely agree :) I really love my e-reader, but I'll always prefer paperbacks. It looks so pretty on the shelves :D

    The throne of glass novella's are awesome, happy reading with those!

    Harry Potter, all time favorite, for me too :)

    The day I started blogging is an important moment for me as well.


  2. Really cool challenge. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Gah! I can't believe I totally forgot that Allegiant is going to be released soon.

    I really enjoyed reading your answers to this survey. And I'm totally with you about drink of choice whilst reading.
