
23 November 2013


Amber from Books of Amber is hosting a readathon that runs from November 24th to December 1st. It's been ages since I've done a readathon and I'm pretty excited for this one. I've been slacking a lot this month when it comes to reading and I always push myself to read more during a readathon - so hopefully I'll be able to catch up!

There are no rules for this readathon, just read as much as you can.

I'm going to really push myself during this readathon and I'm hoping to at least finish a book a day. I'm only working Wednesday and Saturday this week so I should hopefully be able to do that. 
Here's the books I'm planning on reading:
I'm not going to be doing updates on my blog, but you can keep up to date with how I'm doing here.
Are you taking part in #Novemberthon? Let me know in the comments if you are.
Good luck everyone!


  1. I'm taking part too :-) Good luck. I'll be following your progress :-) p.s. Let me know what you thought of Viral Nation. I read it a couple of months ago and really liked it.

    1. Yay! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!
      I'll definitely let you know what I think of it :)

  2. Oh, sounds like something I should hop on to. Maybe only read review books. Finish off Netgalley November on a high. Lol.
    Good luck! I'm sure you'll have no problem speeding through your pile.
    Oh, and I love Code Name Verity. :)

    1. Haha, that's why I signed up too! I'm hoping to get through another 3 Netgalley books, maybe 4 if I can manage it. Hopefully I will! I'm really excited for Code Name Verity, I've heard amazing things about it.
      Thanks Brittany :)

  3. I'm taking part too! Good luck! :) really hope you get around to The Promise of Amazing would love to know what you think of that one!

    1. Yay! Good luck Jess!
      That's one that I'm definitely going to make time for because I've been looking forward to it for quite a while :)

  4. Not taking part cause I work almost every day from here till the end of the month, but I'm still trying to read as much as I can...

    Btw, I hope you'll love The Woken Gods, I loved it and hope we'll get a sequel!

    1. Aww, that sucks. I hope I love it too! I've been looking forward to it for quite a while now!

  5. Yay! I'm excited for the readathon and I'd love to know what you thought of The Promise of Amazing. I'm planning to finish at least four books.

    Go us! =D

    1. I finished it last night and I really enjoyed it! It was really sweet :)
      Good luck! :D
