
15 November 2013

Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella

Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
Publisher: Bantam Press
Publication Date: April 25th 2013
Source: Library

Lottie just knows that her boyfriend is going to propose during lunch at one of London’s fanciest restaurants. But when his big question involves a trip abroad, not a trip down the aisle, she’s completely crushed. So when Ben, an old flame, calls her out of the blue and reminds Lottie of their pact to get married if they were both still single at thirty, she jumps at the chance. No formal dates—just a quick march to the altar and a honeymoon on Ikonos, the sun-drenched Greek island where they first met years ago.

Their family and friends are horrified. Fliss, Lottie’s older sister, knows that Lottie can be impulsive—but surely this is her worst decision yet. And Ben’s colleague Lorcan fears that this hasty marriage will ruin his friend’s career. To keep Lottie and Ben from making a terrible mistake, Fliss concocts an elaborate scheme to sabotage their wedding night. As she and Lorcan jet off to Ikonos in pursuit, Lottie and Ben are in for a honeymoon to remember, for better... or worse.

Wedding Night is my second Sophie Kinsella novel and I'm starting to wonder why I've never read her books before. Her books are really quick and hilarious reads, so I'll definitely be checking out more of her books. 

This book follows Lottie and her sister Fliss who are complete opposites. Lottie jumps into everything with her heart and Fliss always thinks things through after her marriage fell apart. Lottie is convinced that her boyfriend is going to propose, so when he doesn't she decides to break it off. Enter Ben, Lottie's old flame from back when she was younger. Ben reminds Lottie how in love they were and they decide to get married back where they met - on Ikonos. Their friends are completely against it and Fliss is determined to do everything she can to stop Lottie from making a huge mistake. Lorcan's friend Ben is also concerned about their hasty decision. They set off to stop Ben and Lottie from consummating their marrige and Ben and Lottie are about to have a honeymoon they will never forget.

The whole way through this book I was laughing. There are just so many ridiculous and hilarious things happening in this book that it's extremely hard not to laugh your way through it. Fliss was definitely my favourite of this sisters. She was feisty, determined, but she could be a bit over the top sometimes. Fliss would go to any lengths to stop Ben and Lottie from consummating their marriage, and it was absolutely hilarious seeing all the things she did to prevent them from doing it. She's got a twisted mind, but I just loved her. She was just trying to protect her sister.
Lottie was a great character too. She's naive and makes decisions with her heart rather than her head. There were times when I wanted to give her a smack around the head because I just couldn't believe she was being so naive! That said, I adored Lottie. 

Everything that Fliss did to prevent Lottie and Ben from having their honeymoon was hilarious. From the single beds in the honeymoon suite to the butlers who kept following them around and interrupting at every second, Fliss definitely went out of her way to stop them and I loved seeing what she was going to come up with next. I also really enjoyed seeing Lottie actually start to think things through. She may have made a rash decision, but she starts to question it throughout the book and I really loved that. I also really enjoyed seeing Fliss' character develop. She learned a lot about herself throughout the book.

The ending of this book was sweet and lovely, just the way I like it. All of the characters in this book had changed by the end and had learnt a lot about themselves throughout the book and I just loved it.

Overall, this was a hilarious and brilliant read. If you're looking for something light and funny, I'd definitely recommend picking this one up.


  1. I can't wait to read this! It sounds hilarious! I really enjoyed 'I've Got Your Number by Kinsella but I didn't enjoy her shopaholic books. Either way this one sounds really fun! Thanks for the review. I must get this the next time I'm at the library.

    1. I haven't read her Shopaholic series yet. I have them all, but I haven't gotten around to them. I've Got Your Number was the first Sophie Kinsella book I read and I loved it! I think you'll definitely enjoy this one, it was absolutely hilarious! :)
