
9 March 2014

Showcase Sunday #60

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week.

This week has been an extremely busy week. I haven't really had much time to myself because I've been working all week, but on the bright side, the rest of the month doesn't look as busy! I've been slacking slightly when it comes to blogging/booktubing so I'm hoping that I'll be able to catch up with them both this month!

Bookwise, I bought one physical book this week (which was a pre-order) and a few kindle books (which were also pre-orders). I also got a few books from Netgalley; a few from Edelweiss and a few from Bookbridgr for review. And I also received a very exciting package in the mail all the way from Canada!

The Assassins Blade (Throne of Glass #0.1-0.5) by Sarah J. Maas

Half Bad (Half Life Trilogy #1) by Sally Green
Fire & Flood (Fire & Flood #1) by Victoria Scott

Snowblind by Christopher Golden
Rags and Bones Edited by Melissa Marr & Tim Pratt
Thanks to Headline & Bookbridgr!

The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutkoski
Take Back the Skies (Take Back the Skies #1) by Lucy Saxon

A Kiss in the Dark by Car Clarke
Feather Bound by Sarah Raughley


Tabula Rasa by Kristen Lippert-Martin

Amity by Micol Ostow

The wonderful and amazing Brittany from This is the Story of My Reading Life went to a Marissa Meyer signing and got me a signed copy of Cinder! I honestly wasn't expecting that and it was a massive surprise when the parcel showed up at my door. I may have started jumping around squealing as soon as I'd gotten it open. AND, as if that wasn't awesome enough, she also sent me a copy of Outlander by Diana Galbadon! Brittany recommended this one to me because it's set in Scotland, and because it's one of her favourite series. I honestly can't wait to start it now that I've got a copy!
Thank you Brittany! :D <33333

What books did you get this week?


  1. I also got myself a shiny, pretty copy of The assassin's blade! It's awesome you got a signed copy of Cinder :D And Outlander is very good, I need to pick up that series again. I can't wait to read Feather bound ad The winner's curse. Rags & Bones looks interesting and I've heard good things about Half bad. So, you have some great books there and I hope you enjoy them :D

  2. Ooooh, what a cool haul! And there's nothing like awesome signed books to make you squeal!
    I also got myself Feather Bound and I cannot wait to read it soon! I'm getting a Kindle copy of The Assassin's Blade, but it won't download till the 13th!
    Happy reading Samantha!

  3. Ooo great haul!!! I can't wait for my copy of The Assassins Blade to come :) I got a lot of the same books this week. Enjoy!!!!

  4. I got Half Bad and Tabula Rasa this week, too! Excited to dive into both. :D Hope you have a lovely Sunday!

  5. I checked out my local Waterstone for The Assassin's Blade on Thursday but they haven't put copies out yet. Will have to check again next week! I really hope you enjoy Half Bad and Fire & Flood. And I'm really looking forward to reading The Winner's Curse and A Kiss in the Dark!

  6. Signed books ftw! So jealous!
    And I see we got some of the same this week, super excited for Maas!
    Take Back the Skies looks amazing, I requested one as well.
    Happy reading!

  7. Wow what an awesome haul! I have Take Back the Skies sat upstairs and reaaaally cannot wait to read it. It sounds fantastic! Hope you have more time for you this week :).

    My Showcase Sunday :)

  8. Great books this week! I also picked up Amity. It sounds super good so I hope it doesn't dissapoint!

    Here's my Bookish Buys!

  9. *Gasp* It's all so pretty and that is an absolutely fantastic haul! I wasn't aware of The Assassin's Blade being a book, but i'm off to buy that straight away because Throne of Glass was awesome. Half Bad and Fire and Flood are on my To Buy list and i'm hoping to get them pretty soon. The Winner's Curse looks amazing, as does all of the other Netgalley books and a signed copy of Cinder is also great. Wow, such a great haul! Hope you enjoy yourself in the next few weeks getting through all of this! :)

    Sanna @ Fanciful Fictions

  10. The message in the book from your friend Brittany is lovely! You got some great books this week, I keep seeing The Winners Curse on everyone's blogs and the cover is gorgeous!

  11. Wow... The Assassin's Blade looks really brilliant!! I could just stare at it...
    It looks like you've got a lot of brilliant books this week which I hope you enjoy.

  12. The Assassin's Blade looks so good. I am waiting for my copy to arrive. Also, I heard some amazing things about Half Bad and can't wait to read it. Enjoy :)
    My SS

  13. Really looking forward to The Assassin's Blade coming sometime next week. Can't wait to immerse myself again in the world of Throne of Glass! Plus the cover is beautiful! Just finished reading The Winner's Curse was a really really good book, just felt that it was missing something, wasn't completely blown away like I was when I read Throne of Glass for the first time. Still really enjoyable though! Really looking forward to Take Back the Skies too! Great haul :) Enjoy!

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  14. Wow, great looking haul! The Assassin's Blade looks really good. Gonna have to add a bunch of these to my tbr pile! Enjoy! :D

  15. The Assassin's Blade looks so pretty. I can't wait for mine to, finally, show up. There will probably be petting involved.
    Oh you got Half Bad too! It's another one making me neglect my NG books. I'm about half way through and really enjoying it. Totally different than what I thought. I was expecting more rip-off of HP. But not so much. Let me know when you get around to it. :)
    That's a lot of review books. Hahaha
    My copy of Winner's Curse will be here next week too(another finally). Maybe another buddy read for us? :)
    It makes me happy that you were happy with your prezzie. I just thought a personalized book would be so much cooler than a bookmark. :D Can't wait till you meet Jamie. <3 Ah! So good! :)
    Great haul as always, Sam!

  16. I really really need to buy The Assassin's Blade. Such a beautiful cover, I'm already in lobe with it. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. The Winners Curse, A Kiss in the Dark, Take Back the Skies, Fire and Flood, and Half Bad are all high on my TBR list. Enjoy them all Sam! :)

  17. I also have Fire and Flood and A Kiss in the Dark to read so hope you enjoy them! Have heard mixed things about Half Bad so will look out for your thoughts. And signed copies are always awesome, so nice she got one for you!
