
23 March 2014

Showcase Sunday #62

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week.

Hello everyone! And happy Sunday! This week has been a pretty busy week for me - even though I thought it wouldn't be. Thankfully I'd scheduled this weeks posts in advance otherwise I doubt I wouldn't have had anything up. The same, however, cannot be said for my booktube videos - I know, I suck. I'm sorry. I'm trying my hardest!
Also, my internet went down for a couple of days (which was awful!). And I've also been having major feels over this weeks Teen Wolf & Pretty Little Liar's episodes. The season finale of Teen Wolf will probably kill me.

It was also my 5 year anniversary with my boyfriend on Friday so we went out to see a movie and go for dinner last night and it was lovely <3

Bookwise, I only bought one book this week (yay!), but I have already read it... I just bought it for Roth. And I also got one book from Netgalley.

White Hot Kiss (The Dark Elements #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Yes. I do already have this on my kindle. But I had to buy a finished copy because of the extra Roth bit at the end.

Camp Payback (Camp Boyfriend #2) by J. K. Rock

What books did you get this week?


  1. I haven't read any of the Armentrout's books but to be honest, these lovey dovey ones don't really sound like something I'd enjoy. I will read her first series though.
    Happy reading!

  2. Happy anniversary to you and the bf!
    Hot White Kiss looks very nice in physical copy! And what's that you say about extra Roth at the end?

    Happy reading!

  3. I am totally sharing the Teen Wolf and PLL feels with you, both had me crying my eyes out!!

  4. I won an e-copy of White Hot Kiss in a giveaway a few weeks ago and am really looking forward to reading it! And I am so looking forward to Camp Payback! I pre-ordered it and I can't wait till my copy arrives.

  5. I have heard amazing things about Jennifer's books. I have yet to pick one up so I look forward to your review of this one :)

    My friend watched Teen Wolf and she can't recommend it enough. I will bite the bullet and watch it some day! :)

    Ps I have just moved to wordpress, My other blog is going down soon!
    My Wordpress Blog

  6. Oh. My. God. Only two books? :O Lol!
    That extra scene was so worth it right? <3 Roth.
    Camp Boyfriend seems like summer reads. Obviously, Brittany. Lol.
    I didn't know it was 5 years. That's awesome! Happy Anniversary! :D

  7. I could literally say the same things about my week. Our internet has been on and off for the past few days (no idea what's going on) and I've been so distracted by my TV shows that I haven't written any of the posts I was hoping to finish last week.

    Big congrats to you and your boyfriend! And so glad you had such a lovely time celebrating. :) Fingers crossed this week isn't as busy as last week was and you manage to get some well-deserved reading and blogging done.

    Happy reading and have a lovely week! x
