
13 April 2014

Showcase Sunday #65

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Bite a biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week.

Hello everyone! So this week has been kind of a busy week for me. I was getting over a really bad cold at the start of the week and just lay in bed watching TV/Movies. And I was working quite a bit this week too. I also ended up breaking my glasses (which thankfully I managed to get fixed) and I finally got the tattoo I've been wanting for 3 years. So, this week has actually been a pretty good week. But I'm really looking forward to next week since I'm not working too much and also because I'm seeing McBusted next week!

Bookwise, I ended up buying quite a few books this week. I bought a few from Amazon beccause I was in a contemporary mood and I'd pre-ordered one of the kindle books I got. I also got quite a few review books this week from Netgalley, Edelweiss and publishers. Also, Brittany was wonderful enough to send me a copy of a book that I was dying to get my hands on because Amazon & TBD didn't seem to have it available here.

• physical

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
You Are Here by Jennifer E. Smith
Wanderlove by Kristin Hubbard
Catching Jordan (Hundred Oaks #1) by Miranda Kenneally

• e-book

Elemental (Elemental #0.5) by Brigid Kemmerer
Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout


The Girl Who Never Was by Skylar Dorset
Dream Boy by Madelyn Rosenberg and Mary Crockett
Midnight Thief (Midnight Thief #1) by Livia Blackburne

Thanks to Sourcebooks Fire & Disney Hyperion!


All Lined Up (All Lined Up #1) by Cora Carmack

For the blog tour - thanks to William Morrow!


A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1) by Deborah Harkness
Prisoner of Night and Fog (Prisoner of Night and Fog #1) by Anne Blankman
The Oversight (Oversight Trilogy #1) by Charlie Fletcher

Thanks to Headline, Bookbridgr & Gemma @ Little, Brown Book Group!


Dorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die #1) by Danielle Paige

Thank you so much Brittany! :D

What books did you get this week?


  1. Dorothy must die! I really want to get a copy of that book, it sounds so good :D Prisoner of night and fog was incredibly good <3 I loved it! And I'm curious about Midnight thief, it has a pretty cover. Happy reading!

    1. It's so pretty and it's been super good so far! I'm really excited for Prisoner of Night and Fog. It sounds extremely intriguing. Thanks Mel :)

  2. Awesome haul! Midnight Thief looks amazing, I hope I get my hands on it as well! And Dorothy Must Die looks and sounds really good, too, must get to read this one, too. A lot of good books this time around, hope you enjoy them all!

    My INT giveaway
    My UK giveaway

    1. It does! DMD is really good so far!
      Thanks Ula :)

  3. Oooooh, what an awesome haul you got this week!
    Glad to hear you're feeling better, there's an awful cold making the rounds everywhere it seems!
    And yay for finally getting that tattoo that you wanted for so long! If it's not prying too much, what is it?

    Happy reading, Samantha!

    1. Thanks Pili! That cold was just horrible. I'm glad it's finally gone. I got the Deathly Hallows sign tattooed on my back with 'All Was Well' written underneath it :)

  4. Ohhhh so many awesome books! We were looking at Dorothy Must Die at LBF and it looks so stunning. I hope you love all of these and really want to see a picture of your tattoo :)

    My Showcase Sunday :)

    1. It's even more stunning in person! Oooh, how was LBF? I hope you had fun!
      There's a picture of it on my instagram :)

  5. I need to get Dorothy Must Die! But I just ordered a collection of the Oz books and want to read those first :D

    Prisoner of Night and Fog is sooo good! I've never seen that edition before though!

    1. I really want to read the Oz books too! I keep eyeing the collections in The Works. But I couldn't resist DMD any longer.
      It's the UK paperback edition. :)

  6. The Prisoner of Night and Fog looks so good :3 I read a review on it the other day and it was so positive.

    Dorothy Must Die is one that I want to pick up soon! It is one of those where I have yet to read a bad review for it.

    Thanks for sharing and have a great week hun! :) xxx

    My Showcase Sunday :)

    1. I'm really excited to read it! It sounds so intriguing!
      It's been super good so far and I'm not even half way through it!
      Thanks Alex :)

  7. Ooh what did you get a tattoo of? I adore Me Before You, really emotional. Never seen that Jen E Smith before- intriguing! Also, Cora Carmack <3 so excited for this new series :D

    1. I got the Deathly Hallows sign with 'All Was Well' written underneath it :)
      I really can't wait to read Me Before You. I've heard it's fantastic, so I'm looking forward to it. I hadn't seen it until a couple of months ago! She's got another one or two older ones that I want to get my hands on as well.
      Me too! I adore Cora's books and I'm super excited for this one! :D

  8. I've heard so many great things about Me Before You! I haven't managed to pick up my copy yet but I will at some point. Hope you enjoy it and hope you have fun at the concert!

    1. So have I, which is why I finally decided to pick up a copy :) I'm hoping to get to it soon!
      Thanks Vicky! I had a great time at the concert :)
