
2 May 2014

April Wrap Up/May TBR

April Wrap Up
Hello everyone! We're 5 months into the year now (it's going so fast!) and I've finally managed to read 20 books! I've been trying to do it every month since the start of the year but April is the first month I've managed it! So, in April I read 20 books and 1 novella:
My two favourites this month would have to be Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover and You're the One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher. Both of these book made me cry my eyes out and they're both amazing <3

So for May I have a massive TBR list. Honestly, it's really big and I'm kicking myself for making it this big but I just want to read all of these books so bad!
I'm taking part in Bout of Books this month so I'm planning to read 7 books for that. I'm also buddy reading a few books with Brittany and I'm also reading a book that I'm going to be doing a collab video about with Rachel from RayKayBooks. PLUS, there are a few May releases that I just NEED TO READ as soon as they come out. May is going to be a busy month.
Fingers crossed I can read all of these!

What was your favourite book of April and what book are you most excited to read this month?


  1. WOW, 20 books. That is awesome Samantha! I can't wait to read Dorothy must die and How to love sounds interesting too. I will be reading The falconer this month too (book club pick) I finished Game of thrones at the beginning of this year, it's so good :) I liked Daughter of smoke and bone - and I need to continue this series soon. Sweetly was fun. I LOVE Siege and storm <3 And Outlander!! I need to re-read the first books in order to finish the series. I still can't believe I quit half way this series.The secrets of Lily Graves was a bit disappointing to me, but I like The iron knight :D I need to get myself a copy from The ring & the crown, it sounds great and I like the cover a lot. Feather bound is really unique. Happy reading!

  2. 20 books! Great job Samantha!!
    Some of the books you have in your TBR list for May are also on mine, like City of Heavenly Fire, The One, After the End... and others I've read and loved, and cannot wait to hear what you think, like The Falconer and Daughter of Smoke & Bone!

  3. Wow, well done on reading so many books, Samantha! I'm really looking forward to the release of The One too, and I hope that you enjoy Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I read it last month and it was amazing! :)
    Hope you're having a great week :) xxx

  4. Look at all those lovely books. You have a great reading month!
    Did you like Perfect Chemistry? I read it last year and was not impressed. To chessy for my liking. :/
    I still can't wait to get my hands on The Taking. ALIENS!
    I have a big May TBR too. I really need to catch up on review books. Opps.
    I like what I'm seeing though. I hope you can get to both Me Before You and Outlander. I'll be the happiest ever. :D
    The Iron Knight is my favourite of the series. I loved getting it from Ash's POV. He's my love.
    Here's to a great reading month in May!

    My wrap up

  5. Girl, you are crazy! 20 books is awesome :) I need some of that momentum - you have any leftover?
