
13 May 2014

Bout of Books: Day 2 - Challenge

Christina over at My Life in Books is hosting the Bookish Battle Royale Bout of Books challenge!
So for my entry I've decided to go with strong female protagonists from YA.

The Rules
  1. Choose three or more fictional characters as combatants – they can be haphazardly picked or themed (for example, I went with badass classic literature protagonists)
  2. List three strengths and weakness for each contender (feel free to skip this step if you’re using social media to participate in Bout of Books i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads…)
  3. Determine who would come out victorious and give a little explanation why you think they would win – get creative with the outcomes!
  4. Link in the comments and if you tweet about this challenge make sure to use the hashtag #bookbattleroyal in addition to #boutofbooks because I want to see all your dueling characters!


because she's 18 years old and she's the best assassin there is. And also because she's awesome!


  1. I think Celaena's weakness is secretly also her love for a certain character I will not name in case of spoilers. I think it would be quite a battle between Celaena and Allie! Clary doesn't really matter to me, haha, I don't think she can handle those two girls.

  2. I have not even read the Throne of Glass series but I would have totally picked Celaena! She looks so badass on the covers!

    I take my hat off to you for taking part in the challenges as well as the reading!

    Thanks for sharing! :) xxx

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries

  3. I definitely want to read all of those books now!

  4. I haven't read any of those books but my money would have been on Celaena! She sounds the fiercest out of the three.
