
1 July 2014

June Wrap Up/July TBR

Hello everyone! It's good to be back! First of all, I'd like to explain why I've been absent - in case any of you guys don't follow me on twitter. I had major problems with my internet in June and we were only getting like an hours worth of internet per day - sometimes not even that. So it got to the point that we just decided to cancel the contract we were on (since we weren't getting internet at all) and get a new internet provider. It was all set up yesterday and so far things are looking peachy (fingers crossed)! So hopefully this is me back for good.

Due to not having internet for almost a whole month, I managed to read a ton of books - which also means I have a ton more reviews to add to my already huge list of reviews to write... Oh well!

Books Read
It was so hard to pick my favourites this month, but I finally settled on Outlander by Diana Gabaldon & Ruin and Rising by Leight Bardugo. Both of these books were outstanding. Outlander was a fantastic beginning to a series, and Ruin and Rising was the perfect ending to an amazing trilogy.

July TBR
This month I'm doing Road Trippin' July with Brittany, Juhina and anyone else who wants to join in! We're basically just going to be reading a lot of road trip books because they're awesome! I also need to read Attachments by Rainbow Rowell since I'm meeting her later this month (!) and it's the only one of her books I haven't read. Brittany and I will also be trying to squeeze in Fire With Fire since we never got around to it last month. I also need to finish Where She Went and I really want to read Dragonfly in Amber. Also, I've got a few review books for this month that I need to read.

Let me know in the comments what your favourite book of June was and what you can't wait to read this month!


  1. Look at you! Reading machine :D I also finished the complete Grisha series (reread the first two) On the fence is adorable. I really liked Outlander and I'm planning to restart this series.Your TBR looks great, especially Midnight thief. I'm in a huge fantasy mood lately. I just finished The vanishing season and it was unexpected and painful, haha. Happy reading!


    1. Haha! Only because I had absolutely nothing else to do! It was either read or sit and do nothing, so reading won. Yay! It really was. It's such a cute book <3
      I'm kicking myself for not starting Outlander sooner! But I'm glad I've finally started it and I'm excited for the rest of the series :)
      I'm reading it just now and I'm about 3/4 of the way through. I take it the ending is a huge twist then?

  2. Wow! That's a lot of books you read in June. Good for you! I would have a hard time picking a favorite from those as well - you read some GREAT ones! I've been eyeing Outlander for a while now, but don't know if I'm in the mood to start yet another series. I really enjoyed You Are Here and Amy and Roger's Epic Detour is very high on my TBR this summer! I hope you enjoy the books! :)

    1. Honestly, if I'd had internet, I wouldn't have read that amount of books! It was so difficult! But Outlander was fantastic and I just adore the Grisha universe so much that I had to pick R&R as well. I'd definitely recommend Outlander! So maybe it'll be one to think about when you feel like starting a new series? :)
      I tried to read You Are Here earlier this year, but I couldn't get through it. I'm giving it another shot though! Amy & Roger is on of my all time favourite contemporaries so I hope you enjoy it!

  3. Wooow that's a lot of books! I'm really excited to read Landline and The Vanishing Season. I had so many good reads this month too :) My top 2 were #Scandal and The Kiss of Deception.

    Nemo @ Blame it on the book

    1. Landline is fantastic! I'm reading The Vanishing Season just now and it's been OK so far.
      I've been wanting to read #Scandal for ages! I'm glad to hear you loved it! I haven't heard of The Kiss of Deception before, but I like the sound of it :)

  4. Oh I am so glad you finally got your internet sorted, I know how much that was frustrating you. At least you got some great books read in the time you couldn't get online.

    1. Thank you, Caroline! I am as well! It was such a pain. Haha, that was the only good thing about not having internet!

  5. What do you want me to say? You read so many good books this month!!!!!
    OUTLANDER!!!! <3 <3 <3 Jamie!!!! haha! I'm so beyond happy that you loved it. It makes me heart happy.
    Spark; Did you love Gabriel? Just remember he's mine though. ;)
    Oh, what did you think of Bax?
    I'm so excited for this month and Road Trippin' July. It's going to be so hard not to hop in my car and just drive. Well I guess the cost of gas will keep me from doing just that.
    And of course you know how excited I am for you to continue on with Dragonfly in Amber. :D <3 <3
    Great month, Sam! Happy reading!

  6. WOW! That is a major load of books your read in June. You're absolutely amazing! I got Landline recently so I'm really hoping I can read that this month. Happy reading!
