
6 July 2014

Showcase Sunday #74

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week.

Hello everyone! It's been a few weeks since I've done a Showcase Sunday due to internet issues, so I've got quite a few books to share with you guys!

• physical
Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander #2) by Diana Gabaldon
You're the One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher
Ruin and Rising (Grisha #3) by Leigh Bardugo
Picture Perfect (Geek Girl #3) by Holly Smale

13 Little Blue Envelopes (Little Blue Envelope #1) by Maureen Johnson
Allies & Assassins (Enemies of the Prince #1) by Justin Somper
The Name of the Star (Shades of London #1) by Maureen Johnson
Two Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Landline by Rainbow Rowell

• kindle
Boomerang (Boomerang #1) by Noelle August [PART 2]
Sentinel (Covenant #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Pieces of Olivia (Charleston Haven #1) by Melissa West

Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White
The Perfectionists by Sara Shepard

Eversea (Eversea #1) by Natasha Boyd
Forever, Jack (Eversea #2) by Natasha Boyd
Thank you Bookbridgr!

What books did you get this week?


  1. You do have quite a few books this time! (I also have 2 weeks' worth of books, so it seems we're all being a bit 'indulgent'). Love your pictures of the covers - the problem with Kindle is that the books are not so photogenic on them, are they?

    1. Haha, it does!
      They really aren't. Especially since mine would be in black and white. You never see how nice the covers actually are on the kindle.

  2. I still haven't read any of Geek Girl. I'm realy confused about the covers of Landline. Looks like they've gone ahead and used the design that everyone loved on the proofs but when I did my review, all the retailers were listing the one I didn't like so much! Anyway, hope you enjoy.

    1. I adore the Geek Girls series. It's hilarious! I kept seeing a really different cover around for a while as well, and then a few weeks back it changed to this one. I'm glad it did because I love this cover!
      Thanks Ellie :)

  3. YAY for nice book piles! That's the special edition of Fangirl, right?? I'm waiting for it in the mail!!
    Happy reading!!

    1. It is! It's gorgeous! I hope your copy arrives soon!

  4. I really like that special edition from Fangirl, I might hunt it down :D I got The illusions of fate too, I can't wait to read something else from her after enjoying her Paranormalcy books. Happy reading!


    1. It's gorgeous, Mel! I've only read the first Paranormalcy book, but I loved her Mind Games series so I can't wait for her new one either!

  5. I've not long finished 'Youre the one that i want' and i loved it, a lot. Enjoy your great stash
    Gill x

    1. I loved it as well, Gill! I just had to buy a finished copy because I adored it.
      Thank you!

  6. I LOVE that edition of Fangirl - its pink and gorgeous and asdfghjkl; STUNNING.

    Great haul I mean LOOK AT ALL OF THOSE BOOKS :) I got Eversea and forever Jack too they sound amazing - cant wait to hear what you think :)

    Megan xxx

  7. Such a brilliant haul, Sam! I adore that copy of Fangirl, it's so gorgeous! Just ran off to download the HarperTeen book too. Really excited to read that one.

    Hope you enjoy your books :) xx

  8. Yay for the Rainbow Rowells! So pretty <3 Also excited about the new Geek Girl. Happy reading!

  9. Those editions of Rainbow's books are so pretty! :)

    I have had the Name of the Star on my TBR ever since it came out and I have yet to pick it up! I hope you enjoy it though as it may egg me on!

    Two Way Street has been on my wishlist for weeks. Road Trip books aree usually my jam! I hope you enjoy it!

    have a great week lovely! :D

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries

  10. The Name of the Star <3
    Love that book! My copy is in a state from being read so much, the cover's peeling and pages are all discoloured.
    Tea Party Princess

  11. I really want to get Picture Perfect but I don't want the hardcover because the other two are in paperback. #booknerdproblems
    I can't wait to get your reaction to Dragonfly in Amber. <3 <3 <3
    I picked up the first two parts of Boomerang too. It's cute so far.
    Oh man, the cover for Illusions of Fate just gets me every time. I needs the hardcover when it's released. Needsssss.
    Lol! Great haul as always, Sam!
    Happy reading!

    1. I am the exact same as you with the Picture Perfect dilemma, really want to read it but need the paperback edition for 'matching' reasons.
