
29 July 2014

Ten Authors I Own The Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This weeks topic is:

Ten Authors I Own The Most Books From
I've decided to only go with physical books & e-books for this weeks Top Ten. There are some authors that I tend to always buy on my kindle because I'm too impatient to wait for the physical copy to turn up, so I had to include them.

1. Rachel Caine - 22 books
I own every single book in Rachel Caine's Morganville series (15 books) and I own 7/9 of her Weather Wardens series

2. J. K. Rowling - 19 books
This is mainly because I own a lot of doublers of her books. I have the full set in the UK children's hardbacks; I have 1-5 & 7 in the UK children's paperbacks; 6 & 7 in UK adult hardbacks; An unusual copy of Chamber of Secrets; Quidditch Through the Ages; Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and The Tales of Beedle the Bard. But J. K. Rowling will probably end up being my most owned author ever since I intend to collect all of the different versions of the series that are in English.

3. Jodi Picoult - 17 books
I may own a lot of Jodi Picoult books, but I think I've only read about 5 or 6. I went through a phase back in 2012 when I just wanted to read Jodi Picoult - and it lasted for about a month. In that time, I picked up a hell of a lot of her books from charity shops and ever since then I haven't gone near them. I definitely need to start working my way through them.

4. Jennifer L Armentrout - 16 books
I only own one of her books in a physical copy - White Hot Kiss- but I have books 1-4 in her Lux series; the full Covenant series (5), Bitter Sweet Love & Don't Look Back on my kindle. I also have her NA books written under J. Lynn - Wait For You, Trust in Me, Be With Me & Frigid.

5. Louise Rennison - 12 books
Louise Rennison was my favourite author when I was younger and I collected the full Georgia Nicholson series. I also have books 1 & 2 in the Tallulah Casey series because they're really light hearted and hilarious. 

6. Cassandra Clare - 8 books
I own the full Mortal Instruments series and I'm only missing Clockwork Angel from Infernal Devices. I borrowed them all from my library when I read them so it's just a case of getting around to buying it when I've got some spare money.

7. Rick Riordan - 8 books
I have the full Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and books 2-4 in the Heroes of Olympus. Yet again, I borrowed that full series from my library so I'll grab my own copy when it's cheap and I have spare money. 

8. Cecelia Ahern - 8 books
Cecelia Ahern is definitely my favourite chick-lit author. Every single book of hers that I've read, I've loved. I don't think there's been one that I haven't loved. There's still a few of hers that I need to grab, but she'll always be on my shelf.

9. Scott Westerfeld - 7 books
I may own 7 of Westerfelds books, but I've only read 1. I have books 1-3 in the Uglies series, books 1 & 2 in his Leviathan series and both books in his Peeps duology.

10. Colleen Hoover - 7 books
I have the complete Slammed trilogy, the Hopeless duology & the novella and Maybe Someday all on my kindle.

Let me know in the comments who your most owned author is!


  1. I completely forgot about including ebooks! I wonder how that would change my totals....

    Here's my Ten Authors Who Live Happily on My Shelves!

  2. Rachel Caine - that is one pretty collection you've got right there! Lots of great authors on this list! J. K. Rowling made mine as well.

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  3. +JMJ+

    I love it when people include totals! =D The only reason Rick Riordan didn't make my Tenner this week was that I don't like starting a series until all the books are out, and so I don't have any of the Heroes of Olympus books yet.

  4. I still haven't read most of these but I hope to continue with Riordan and Percy soon, I loved the first two.
    I wish for more Rowling books as well, first of Gailbraith and also the new paperbacks. :)
    Happy reading!

  5. Haha! Imagine that, we are twins on a lot. :)
    I know I have two full sets of the HP books but I AM going to get the new UK paperback covers when they are released this fall. They are effing magical.
    You know what's funny? I only read my first JLA book earlier this year(and now I have a major addiction) and she is top of my list. I didn't pick ALL of them up this year, but most of them. #sorrynotsorry
    I'll have to send you a physical copy of Wait For You or another one for Christmas. You need more of her physical books. Lol. And it won't add to your TBR. #bookbuyingforthewin HAHA! ;)

  6. Great list! J K Rowling tops my list and I own the Harry Potter twice and all the other Hogwarts books. Couldn't part with my original copies after getting new copies. I really need to read Rick Riordan's work still haven't got around to reading the Percy Jackson books yet (I know shame on me!)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought
    My TTT

  7. Hey!! Sarah and I have nominated you for the Liebster award! The post is on our blog and we really hope you complete it! There are some questions that you have to answer but it's really simple. Hope you have a great day :)

  8. I have almost all of Jennifer L. Armentrout's books! And, of course, the Harry Potter Series. I have all of Cassandra Clare books, as well! But wow, you have tons of Rachel Caine books! I haven't read anything by her yet.

    Ashtyn @ Wonderland’s Reader!

  9. Aside from Jules Verne and Agatha Christie and Terry Pratchett, since those are in the over 50 books category... I think JLA and J K Rowling would also be in my list!!
