
14 July 2014

Top Ten Favorite TV Shows!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This weeks topic is:

Top Ten Favorite Movies or TV Shows
I've decided to go with my top 10 favourite TV shows for this topic. I love my movies, but I love my TV shows more. This is actually a super hard topic for me because there are so many TV shows that I love.
1. Supernatural
I think I started watching Supernatural when it was halfway through season 4. I do remember watching a few episodes of season 2 a few years before, but it wasn't until around 2008 that I really started getting into it. I binge watched the first couple of seasons and I was hooked! I still can't watch it at night though because some of those monsters are terrifying. Even though I'm super behind with season 9, Supernatural is definitely my all time favourite show.

2. Orphan Black
Orphan Black is my new obsession! Have you guys seen it? It's this awesome show about clones and Tatiana Maslany is one of the best actresses ever. I honestly couldn't tell you how many times this series has left me with my jaw hanging open because of all the twist. I love the science aspect and the clones fascinate me. Cosima has to be my favourite.

3. Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls will probably always be one of my favourite TV shows. I fell in love with it when E4 used to show it and I watched it every single day (even if it was re-runs) and sometimes I watched the same episode more than once a day... Rory was just so awesome and smart, and she loved reading! And Lorelai was such an amazing character as well. I loved that the whole show centered around a mother daughter relationship. I also really loved all of Rory's love interests, but Jess was the one that stole my heart.

4. Arrow
Ever since Smallville I've been a huge Green Arrow fan and when I heard that Green Arrow was getting his own show I was super excited! I honestly couldn't have predicted how amazing this show would be. I'm completely addicted. I love that Oliver is a lot darker in this one and that his family and all their drama are thrown in as well. I'm a hardcore Olicity shipper and if they don't stop teasing me with their relationship (Especially the season 2 finale!) I may explode. They better get together.

5. Doctor Who
I started watching Doctor Who during Tennants last season and then I began to kick myself for not watching this wonderful show sooner. I think I mainly never watched it before because I used to sit downstairs with my family on a Saturday and watch TV, and they never watched Doctor Who. So when I became anti-social and spent all of my time in my room, I decided to finally watch it. It's one of the best TV show I've ever seen. The Doctor is hilarious, crazy and just fantastic. I love the adventures through time and space and I love the companions! I've loved both Tennant and Smith, and I'm excited to see Capaldi next!

6. Pretty Little Liars
I've been watching Pretty Little Liars ever since it started and I still love it. I know there are a lot of fans out there that are getting sick of the show and just want to know what the hell is going on, but that's why I love it so much. I love that there's so much mystery surrounding Alison and who 'A' is, and I want it to keep going because I just don't want it to end! I love all of the Liars in different ways, but I think either Hanna or Emily have to be my favourites.

7. Teen Wolf
My obsession with Teen Wolf started last year and it's only gotten worse. I binge watched the first two seasons and then caught myself up with season 3, and I'm obsessed! I've watched the first two seasons numerous times since and I've also made a lot of my colleagues at work watch it as well. I love every single character in the show (apart from Malia and Kira because neither of them have grown on me yet), but the show wouldn't be the same without Stiles. Also, I'm a hardcore Stydia shipper and I need more of them together.

8. Vampire Diaries
My obsession with Vampire Diaries started when I should have been studying for Uni. I decided to start my free month trial on Netflix and then I binge watched the first 3 season and caught up with season 4 - all while I should have been writing a presentation for University. Netflix is dangerous. I'd actually put off watching Vampire Diaries for years, mainly because I was sick of vampires but also because one of my friends at school kept going on and on about it and I was sick of hearing about it. But I'm glad I finally caved and watched it because I love it (even if it does continually make me sob).

9. Grimm
As soon as I saw the previews for Grimm on the TV, I knew I just had to watch it. It's about Nick Burkhardt who is a cop, and he finds out from his Aunt that he's a Grimm - which means he can see monsters basically. I love Grimm and for me it's getting better and better each season. I mean, the season 3 finale? WHAT THE HELL?! 
I love all of the monsters, the fighting, the cop drama and just everything about it.

10. Once Upon a Time
My list would not be complete without Once Upon a Time. A show centered around fairy tale characters that have been transported from the Enchanted Forset to a town called Storybrooke and they don't remember who they really are? Of course I was going to love it! So far this show has done nothing but completely surprise me and it always keeps me on my toes. We visit different worlds like The Enchanted Forest, Neverland, Wonderland and Oz. We also have tons of different villains that are always lurking around corners waiting for their moment to strike. 

Honorable mentions: Friends, Smallville, Sherlock, American Horror Story, Game of Thrones, The Newsroom, Bates Motel, Sleepy Hollow & Modern Family

Let me know what some of your favourite TV shows are in the comments!


  1. As you know from twitter I LOVE TV shows more than movies too, my faves are:

    Glee (full on obsessive fan right here!)
    Teen Wolf
    Pretty Little Liars (yay for seasons 6 and 7 confirmed!)
    Bates Motel
    2 Broke Girls
    The 100
    Penny Dreadful
    Vampire Diaries

    I have started binge watching MTV's Awkward which I really like and am also watching the first season of Hemlock Grove.

  2. Yes! I love Grimm too. I even have a necklace that says 'hexenbiest' on it! Great list!


    I love this week's TTT, there are so many bloggers out there who love Orphan Black when previously it felt like we were a very small minority. :D

  4. Supernatural! I love that show so so so much! (Okay, granted it's like the only show I've seen, but I only started watching tv series this year! Before that I was just a movie-kind-of-person.) XD Buuuut, I like watched 9 seasons in a complete of months and I am on withdrawal SO SO SO BAD!! I can't wait until S10. But it's going to be paaaaain.
    My TTT!

  5. I've watched Supernatural on occasion here and there, but I keep on thinking I need to start watching it already!
    Right now the only shows I follow are Castle, Doctor Who and Arrow!

  6. The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural and Pretty Little Liars are my faves! I keep up with TVD royally!

    Teen Wolf is something I need to get in to. One because I keep getting spoiled and two because it actually looks good! :)
    Thanks for sharing & great list! :D

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries

  7. Haha! I was going to say, how did you even make a top ten list? It was probably impossible. Literally.
    Only VD made my list. And otherwise I've only watch OUAT(which I gave up on at season 2). Everything else are ones I keep meaning to check out. But I haven't... Especially Orphan Black. I feel like I need that in my life.
    Great list, Sam! :D

  8. Yes, GRIMM! I love that show. Keep meaning to check out Orphan Black (so many people have mentioned it on their TT lists). Great post! Here's mine:

  9. Love your picks! I adore Once Upon a time, and i'm currently Binge watching Pretty Little Liars. Even though I read the books, i didn't understand the hype for the show until i started watching it. I want all of the their closets! :)

    Nemo @ Blame it on the book

  10. Gilmore Girls is one of my favourites, Jess was wonderful, I think he stole a lot of people's hearts, I never had much time for Dean, and Logan got better but Jess will always be my favourite. I also love Doctor Who, Supernatural and Once Upon a Time! :-) xxx

  11. I love Vampire Diaries. I love the plot twists, I love Damon, I just love it. I'm enjoying fangirling over tv shows today. :)
