
1 August 2014

July Wrap Up/August TBR

Hello everyone! Can you believe it's the start of August already? Honestly, this year is just going by so fast. So in July I hardly did any reading at all up until the last week when I managed to squeeze quite a few in. I was in a major slump for most of the month but I'm hoping it won't continue into August.

So all in all, I managed to read 13 books in July
My favourite book of July would definitely, 100% have to be Open Road Summer by Emery Lord. It was the very first book I picked up in July and I'm still thinking about it. 

August TBR
August is going to be a pretty busy month for me! I'm heading off to London with my boyfriend for a week on the 11th, so I'll be making myself mad with checklists and triple re-packing everything because I'll no doubt forget something every time. I've also got 3 author signings this month: Sarah J. Mass & Justin Somper; Leigh Bardugo & Maureen Johnson (both through in Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Book Festival) and Diana Gabaldon (in Glasgow). But, I'm still extremely hopeful that I'll manage to fit in quite a few books.

There are a few books that I need to read this month because of the signings, a few new releases that I'm dying to read and I've got a few review books I need to get read as well. I'm also hoping to marathon a full trilogy. And I'm also going to be re-reading Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight with Brittany.
What was your favourite read in July and what are you most looking forward to reading in August?


  1. Everyone is raving about Open Road Summer. I really like the cover, so I need to check it out some time. Have fun in London :D! YOU GET TO SEE SARAH J. MAAS? Awesome. Happy reading with all her books, because they are amazing! I recommend reading The assassin's blade before you start Throne of glass, by the way. I read it the other way, but I think knowing her past is fun before starting TOG :)

    Happy reading!

    1. Woops. I was too fast. I see you've already read TOG/COM *feels a bit silly*

    2. It's amazing and so adorable! I'd definitely recommend it :)
      YES! I'M SO EXCITED! I almost died when I saw she was going to be at the Edinburgh Book Festival and I definitely couldn't miss it. Hahaha! I just feel like re-reading them and having everything fresh in my mind for Heir of Fire! I'll probably do The Assassin's Blade after the re-reads. :)

  2. I still need to read Open Road Summer...
    I do hope you'll love the Defiance trilogy, I adoooore it!! =D

    1. It's so adorable <3333
      I'm really hoping I will!

  3. Oh imagine that, Open Road Summer was also, easily, my favourite of the month too. Who would have thought? ;) God, I want to read it again. Right now. I need more Matt Finch in my life. <3
    I'm on the blog tour for I Want It That Way, so I'll be reading it this month. Did you like it? I guess I'll await your review. Lol.
    Even though you didn't read as much as you wanted, I still see a bunch of awesome books. So I hope it was a really decent month as far as actually liking the books. :)
    OMG! Heir of Fire! I need to get in touch with Juhina and tell her to mail me out ASAP. I can't wait another month. I'm incapable of being patient for much longer.
    I've heard Ugly Love is a lot more mature than her past books. *creepy smile* Hahaha!
    I'm going to go to Chapters in a few minutes. Fingers crossed that Opposition will be magically sitting there waiting for Brittany to grab it up.
    I think you had a great month. And you know how jealous I am of your busy August. So. Much. Fun. :D <3

    1. Yay! It was just amazing. Me too. I would read a full book just about Matt Finch combing his hair.
      It was alright. I gave it 3 stars. Just a bit boring sometimes.
      I neeeeeeeed to get Heir of Fire read before I meet SJM! Oooooooh! I'll definitely be picking it up after my SJM binge and Allies & Assassins.
      Busy, busy, busy but also extreme stressing. August will be stressful.

  4. I'm so jealous that you're going to be meeting Sarah J Maas! I desperately want to meet her but she's not signing anywhere even remotely close to where I live :( although I am meeting Leigh Bardugo this month which I'm really excited about!

    Hope you have a fun month of reading in August! Really looking forward to seeing what you make of Ugly Love and Chasing Before. :)

    1. I almost died when I saw her on the program for the Edinburgh Book Festival. There was no way I was not going to go to it (even if it is the day after I get back from London). Yay for Leigh Bardugo! I'm super excited to meet her as well!
      I'll hopefully be reading Ugly Love soon and I'll definitely be picking up Chasing Before as soon as it's released!

  5. Wow, 13 books in just one month is awesome! I really want to read Amy & Roger's Epic Detour! I just finished reading Since You've Been Gone by the same author and really liked it! I think I'm going to have to read Open Road Summer, too! I've heard such great things about it!

    Also, I am SO SO SO excited for Ugly Love and Opposition! So many awesome books are releasing on the 5th and I'm just dying to read them! I'm also reading Crown of Midnight right now and it is really good so far! This series is awesome!

    I hope you and your boyfriend have an awesome time in London! It sounds like a blast :D

    Ashtyn @ Wonderland’s Reader!

    1. Amy & Roger is fantastic! It's still the only MM book I've read but it was amazing and I honestly can't recommend it enough. YES! You must read Open Road Summer. So much adorable-ness and Matt Finch <333
      ME TOO! Opposition was amaaazing, and I'll be starting Ugly Love soon (which is bound to be amazing because it's Colleen Hoover).
      Thank you! I can't wait to go! :D
