
12 August 2014

Top Ten Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This weeks topic is:

Top Ten Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read
I actually thought this was going to be a pretty hard list to make, but as it turns out, it was extremely easy. Apparently I own a lot of books I'm not sure if I want to read anymore.

1. The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda
I've tried twice to read this book and every time I only get to like chapter 3 and give up. I don't know if I can be bothered giving it a third chance.

2. Breathe by Sarah Crossan
Every time I put this on my TBR list, I always avoid reading it. I don't know why because I love the sound of it, but I just don't know if I actually want to read it.

3. The Program by Suzanne Young
Another one I've started but haven't finished. I found myself getting really bored and only got to like page 50. It might get a second chance, but I don't know.

4. Lies by Michael Grant
Gone bored me, Hunger was slightly better, but I definitely don't seem to have a good relationship with Michael Grant's books. I don't think there's been a single one of his books that I've given a 4 or 5 stars to. Not sure I can be bothered continuing this series.

5. Gravity by Melissa West
I mainly can't be bothered with this one because of the amount of bad reviews. I don't want to read a book that I'm sure I won't enjoy.

6. The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
I've had this book for over 3 years now. It's never been read and I doubt it ever will.

7. Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles
I've been extremely underwhelmed by Simone Elkeles's books so far, so I don't know whether I should bother continuing with this series. Does it get better?

8. Eragon by Christopher Paolini
This is another one that's been on my bookcase for a while and every time I go to pick it up I change my mind.

9. Numbers by Rachel Ward
Yet another one that's been sitting on my bookcase for years collecting dust. Pretty sure this one will probably stay that way.

10. Wake by Amanda Hocking
I enjoyed her Trylle trilogy, but Hollowland completely put me off of her books because of how bad it was. I might get to this one day, but right now I don't want to read it.

What books are you not sure if you still want to read?


  1. I read Breathe by Sarah Crossan due to all of the hype, but I found it so underwhelming :/

    I was so hype to read the Eragon series and I bought the boxed set from The Works. Now I am not so bothered!

    I am feeling like this with a lot of books at the moment. There are so many hyped books!

    Thanks for sharing & great list!

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries

  2. I read Gravity and it was one of my most anticipated reads and it just fell flat for me, unfortunately so that's a pretty safe bet. I read all of the Gone series up until the last book, Light. I got half way through and just lost interest. It's still sitting on my shelf only half read. I think I also read The Looking Glass Wars a REALLY long time ago and it just didn't do it for me. I haven't read any of the others and honestly don't plan to!

    Thanks for sharing your list!

    Ashtyn @ Wonderland’s Reader!

  3. Eragon and Eldest were quite good reads and I loved them! But the third book... I've DNFed it for now and I'm not sure if I'll have the energy to go back to it!

  4. While the Trylle trilogy is good, Wake doesn't exactly lives up to expectations and just didn't work out. I DNFed it because it was quite aimless so... nahhh, I wouldn't recommend reading it.

  5. I have Gone still sitting on my shelf, but it's only been a year since I bought it, so I guess I could get around to reading it by the end of this year! I know the series is quite long! I read Numbers many years ago and remember liking it, I've yet to read the next two in the trilogy though. I think the most hyped up books that I will probably never end up reading/buying are The Selection Series, The Shatter Me Series, & The Maze Runner Series.
