
1 September 2014

August Wrap Up/September TBR

Hello everyone! August has been a completely awful reading month for me, but that's because it was an extremely busy month! I was off in London for a week and got engaged! I also went to 3 author signings - Sarah J Maas, Diana Gabaldon and Leigh Bardugo & Maureen Johnson - which were amazing! I adore Sarah J Maas even more now, she's so hilarious and just so damn awesome. So I was busy and just not in the mood to read this month which meant I only finished 7 books which is awful for me.

Brittany and I re-read Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight in preparation for Heir of Fire and I'm so glad we did. The first two were just as amazing the second time around, but Heir of Fire was on a whole other level. It was full of new characters; fantastic journeys; loads more background information and LOTS. OF. PAIN. I honestly haven't cried as much at a book in years as I did when I was reading Heir of Fire. So obviously Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas was my favourite book of the month.

So, in September I'm hoping to read quite a lot more books than the past couple of months. I'm going to be re-reading The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and The Maze Runner. Brittany and I are doing 2 buddy reads this month - Far From You by Tess Sharpe and Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout. We'll probably end up reading Stay With Me by J. Lynn together as well so that we can fangirl together over it. I also have quite a few review books to get through this month but the two I'm most looking forward to are The Fires of Caulderon by Lindsay Cummings and Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White
What was your favourite book of August and what are you most looking forward to reading this month?


  1. In all generality, August was a pretty dud reading month for me. I did however read Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas which just blew me away! But September seems to be looking up. I can't wait for The Infinite Sea, but perhaps I'm due for a reread of The 5th Wave.

    You've got some great reads in stall for September, Samantha! I hope you enjoy The Iron Trials. I just finished it and posted my review but I'm in two minds...

    1. I've seen so many fantastic reviews for Abigail Haas' books! I'll make sure to movie it up my TBR now.
      The Infinite Sea! I can't wait for that one either!
      Oooh, I'm definitely going to be checking out your review once I've read it!

  2. I am rereading Crown of midnight again and I fall in love with it all over again. I seriously can't wait for Heir of fire. Defiance and Deception have pretty spines, I need to catch up with that series. Illusions of fate was nice. Happy reading :D

    1. Heir of Fire is fantastic, Mel. You're going to love it. :)
      They do, don't they? I figured I try to maybe read them all this month since the trilogy is complete now. Oooh, glad to hear it! I'm looking forward to it :)

  3. You may have only read 7 books, but look at the books you read! I think we should make a yearly thing where we re-read the ToG books before the next release. Can never get enough of those books. :)
    I'm reading Defiance right now. I started it yesterday and am flying through it. It's pretty good. So we're kind of going to be able to talk about that one too. Lol.
    I have The Iron Trial and As Long As You Love Me to review as well.
    I'm excited for our reads. Which one do you want to start with? Cursed maybe? Spread out the JLA love.
    I'm on the fence about re-reading The Maze Runner before seeing the movie. It's been so long since I first read it but I also want to watch the movie without picking it apart. Hmmmm....I might re-read it after watching the movie then.
    Congrats again on your engagement! Eeeeee!!! <3 <3 <3

    1. Haha, I know. It was an SJM overload! YESYESYES. I second this. We HAVE to do it every year now. :D Yay! I'm so glad you're loving it! I'm hoping to get to it this week. I think we should go with Cursed first. :)
      I really just want to re-read it because I loved it so much the first time and because I've been craving a re-read of it. I actually don't think I'll be picking the movie apart too much, it looks fantastic!
      Thank you!! :D <33333

  4. Congratulations on your engagement! It sounds like you met some amazing authors too! I also met Leigh Bardugo last month I'm so jealous you met Sarah J. Maas she didn't do an event anywhere near me :( Heir of Fire was also my favourite book of the month. You have an amazing TBR for September I loved To All The Boys, Grave Mercy and Far From You and I'm looking forward to reading Get Even, Afterworlds, The Jewel and Magisterium. Happy reading for another month! :)

    1. Thank you, Jess! I did, and they were all wonderful - especially Sarah. Leigh was just hilarious, wasn't she? I almost died when I saw she was on the schedule for the Edinburgh Book Festival. She's so amazing and she took the time to speak to everyone in the signing queue. I think her hour long signing lasted an extra 3 hours.
      I've just finished To All the Boys and I adored it! And I'm just starting Grave Mercy! I'm super excited for Far From You!
      The Jewel is AMAZING! It kept me up until 3am because I couldn't put it down!
      Thank you!

  5. My favourite book in August was Reunited (Nogiku series #3) by SJ pajonas. I loved it! I only got 4 books read this month, it's been a slow reading month for me.
    I hope you enjoy Cursed, i read it a while back and enjoyed it.

    1. Oooh, I haven't heard of that series. I'll have to check it out!
      I'm hoping I will! I don't think there's been a JLA book I've hated yet!

  6. I wish i could have gone to the SJ Maas signing! I have heard she was such a sweetheart! :)

    7 is a really good number! you have done well! Also, three signings? I wish I went to just one! I bet they were so much fun! :)

    Heir of Fire was immense wasn't it? I loved it! :)

    Good luck with all your books this month! :) The Maze Runner is fab and I can't wait for your thoughts on The Iron Trial! :)

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries
