
5 October 2014

Showcase Sunday #83

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week.

Hello everyone! Apologies for no Showcase Sunday last week! I didn't think I'd gotten any books at all last week, but I forgot I had a few review copies from Netgalley, and I didn't remember until about 5pm. Oops! But, oh well! This week has been a pretty good week for me. My reading slump seems to be gone (fingers crossed) and I'm getting back on track with my blog - which is making me extremely happy.

Bookwise, I got one of my most anticipated books of the year early! And I bought a kindle book in preparation for my buddy read with Brittany. I also got a few review books from Netgalley and Edelweiss.

The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus #5) by Rick Riordan

The Terror Beneath (The Monstrumologist #1) by Rick Yancey

Killer Instinct (The Naturals #2) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
When by Victoria Laurie
Ensnared (Splintered #3) by A. G. Howard (3 CHAPTER SAMPLE)
Cold Feet at Christmas by Debbie Johnson
Thanks to Disney Hyperion, Amulet & Harper Collins.

A Cold Legacy (The Madman's Daughter #3) by Megan Shepherd
Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver
Thanks to Harper Collins.

What books did you get this week?


  1. Yay for no more reading slump! Hopefully it sticks. :) I sill have yet to read the Heroes of Olympus series! One day, though, one day!

    1. Hopefully! I'm sick of reading slumps.
      I'd definitely recommend it! I love the Heroes of Olympus series :)

  2. Although I haven't got the best track record with Oliver's books, I'm still immensely curious about Vanishing Girls, and equally as curious about what you'll think of it! I hope it's an enjoyable one :D I can't wait for Killer Instinct. Hopefully it's as good as the first one. Have a good reading week, Samantha--I hope next week treats you well! x

    Jess @ My Reading Dress

    1. I'm really excited for it too! Hopefully you'll enjoy The Vanishing Girls :)
      Killer Instinct is just as good as The Naturals! I can't wait for everyone to read it :)
      Thanks Jess!

  3. I can't wait for Ensnared! I read Unhinged last month and that ending :o I need more. I'm also curious about A cold legacy. I didn't like the second book, but I want to finish the series and I hope the story picks up. Happy reading :)

    1. The three chapter sample was such a tease! I think Ensnared is going to be amazing! I know! The ending was a massive cliffhanger!
      I am too. I never enjoyed the second book either, but I'm hopeful for book 3 :)

  4. Congratulations on beating the slump! It looks like you've got your hands on some really cool books this week. I've heard a lot about Rick Riordan this week or so, and I'm kind of curious as to what you think of him and his series - I mean obviously you enjoy the books, as you've got a signed copy of the final one in the Heroes of Olympus series - but I mean just generally. Is he an author worth checking out? Hope you enjoy all your new books and that you have a great week.

    1. Hopefully! YES! Rick Riordan is such an amazing author! The Percy Jackson series is fantastic, and I adore the Heroes of Olympus series. I'd definitely recommend checking him out :)

  5. Yay for banishing reading slumps! I live Percy Jackson so should really read dome of his others. I can't believe there's a third Madman's Daughter book already - still haven't got round to the second.

    1. The Heroes of Olympus series is fantastic. I tried his other series - The Kane Chronicles - but it didn't have the same flow as PJO & HoO. I had a terrible time with the second Madman's Daughter book. But I'm hopeful for book 3 :)

  6. The Blood of Olympus has a great cover. I so need to start reading that series, everyone tells me it's fantastic. I love the cover for Ensnared. Great stack this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. It's such an amazing series, Grace! I can't believe this is the last book.
      Me too! It's so pretty! :)
