
28 October 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week I've decided to do both of the Halloween topics.
Top Ten Characters Who I Would Totally Want To Be For Halloween

1. Isabelle Lightwood (Mortal Instruments)
A bad ass Shadowhunter? Yes, please! Isabelle is so awesome, and I want her whip bracelet.
2. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
I've already been Hermione for Halloween, but I'll never stop wanting to be her.
3. Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games)
Who wouldn't want to be Katniss for Halloween? I'd have a hard time choosing which costume though - The red dress or the games outfit.
4. Celaena Sardothien (Throne of Glass)
If I got to pretend for one day that I was Celaena Sardothien, it'd be an awesome day.
5. America Singer (The Selection)
Pretty dresses, and I'd get to be a princess!
6. Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
I love Daenerys' costumes in the TV show, and she's pretty awesome and has dragons!

 Top Ten Movies To Watch To Get In The Halloween Spirit
1. The Conjuring
I've only seen The Conjuring once, but once was enough. It was an extremely creepy horror movie, plus, there's Annabel. 
2. Hocus Pocus
I watch Hocus Pocus every single year around Halloween. I'll never get sick of this movie.
3. The Lost Boys
I love The Lost Boys! It's such a fantastic vampire movie, and it is slightly scary at times.
4. The Ring
The Ring is just a classic. Every time I had a horror movie night with my friends, we always ended up watching The Ring.

What character would you love to be for Halloween? Any scary movie recommendations?


  1. I'd love to be Celaena and if I could get her kick-ass skills for one day, I would sign up for that too :D Ohhh, Daenerys is a good one, I wouldn't have thought of her. And who wouldn't want to dress up like Hermione!

  2. Daenerys would be a great one for halloween especially if you want to be a little gory and do the whole eating the heart, blood all over the face look! Celaena would be a cool one aswell as Hermione - I have the time turner, wand and crazy big hair so I'm half way there already! Hocus Pocus is such a classic and I love the Lost Boys! Great post this week :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought
    My TTT!

  3. YES YES YES! I'd love to be Isabelle Lightwood. She's got a talent, moving in all that leather haha I've only watched The Ring (which I love) because, strangely enough, while I enjoy scary books, I'm not really one for the movies. Fantastic choices!

    Jess @ My Reading Dress
