
1 November 2014

October Wrap Up/November TBR

Hello everyone! Can you believe it's November already? It's almost the end of the year! I managed to post quite a few reviews this month, but I've still got a lot to post, so I'm planning to sit down sometime next week and get them all written. 
So this month Brittany and I completely sucked at our buddy reads. We tried to read 2 of the books we wanted to read, and we just weren't in the mood for them. Oh well!

So in October, I managed to read 15 books:
My favourite book of October was a no brainer: Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I love The Dark Elements series so much, and I was so happy to be back in that world and reading about Roth again <3

November TBR
So just like last month I have 7 review books that I definitely need to get through.
I think Brittany and I are going to try and finally buddy read Fire with Fire by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian, since Ashes to Ashes is out now. I've started reading Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers in preparation for Mortal Heart coming out this month. Also, The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin is released in a few days! I'll be dropping everything to read this one! I have a pile of books sitting on my bookcase that I intend to read this month, but who knows whether I'll be in the mood for them or not.

What was the best book you read in October, and what November release are you most looking forward to?


  1. 15 books?! That's a really productive month! :D My favourite October read definitely has to be Blue Lily, Lily Blue. It blew (no pun intended) my mind. November is all about Mara Dyer for me. It finally ends. It's kind of bittersweet because obviously I'm desperate to know what happens but...I don't want it to end D; I hope you enjoy Dark Triumph! I'm due to read that one this month as well! x HAVE A GOOD NOVEMBER, SAMANTHA! x

  2. It's funny that we sucked at our buddy read list but actually ended up reading 7 of the same books anyhow. Lol. And I started Stitching Snow but got 100 pages in and gave up. So I guess that's technically 7.5 books. :)
    Mara Dyer is almost here!!!! I was really hoping my book store would have it out early but it doesn't seem like they're even stocking it. :O I need to get online and order it now!
    3 of your TBR really excite me. I want to pick up A Thousand Pieces of You right now too. Of course This Shattered World! Eeeee! And I'm interested in what you think of Deep Blue. I haven't bought it yet, but I want to. :)

  3. 15 books! That's heaps, good job!
    I really want to read Black Ice, so hopefully I will get to read that one next month!
    I'm a new follower on your blog, and I just wanted to say that your blog is so pretty!
    Chelsea @
