
18 January 2015

Showcase Sunday #91

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week!

Hello everyone! This week has been a pretty slow week for me, but it's been a good one. It snowed this week! I'm actually really loving the snow, it's making a nice change from the 70mph winds we were getting. I also got addicted to Suits this week. I've hardly done any reading this week because I've been watching it. Oh well!

Bookwise, my two pre-orders from TBD showed up!

• physical
Ensnared (Splintered #3) by A. G. Howard
Reborn (Altered #3) by Jennifer Rush

What books did you get this week?


  1. YAY! My preorder of Ensnared also arrived today! It's great to at least manage to get some books while on a book ban thanks to preorders!
    Hope you'll enjoy it, I'm gonna start reading it today!

  2. We finally had some snow too, a welcome relief from the gale force winds. Only we're so close to the coast that it was barely 1cm and it's now all melted away and it's just sleet and ice outside.

    Great haul :) I've been meaning to read the Splintered series for a while and never heard of Altered. I'll go check it out.

    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  3. I'm a bit jealous of everyone's snow, we've just had stormy weather which is much less fun! I hven't read any of teh Splintered books but keep seeing them about.

    1. Aww! Well hopefully you'll get a break from the storms soon!
      Splintered is fantastic! It's such an amazing Alice in Wonderland retelling.

  4. I was kind of disappointed with Reborn, curious to see what you think!

    1. I actually really loved it! It was my favourite of the series :)

  5. I SPOILED MYSELF. It was horrible doing it but my curiosity won over. Now I freaking know the ending of Ensnared. Haha. Reborn is Nick's story, right? Might try to read it soon! <3 Happy reading!

    1. OH NO. I had the insane urge to read the end of Ensnared when it arrived so I promptly shoved it in my bookcase. I'm dying to know since everyone keeps saying it feels like a cop out.
      It is! And it's full of Nick being awesome and surly <3

  6. Ensnared has such a beautiful cover. I hope you love it.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  7. You can have all the snow I get. Although today was +3 and kind of sunny. Almost felt like spring. :/
    Yes, not much reading done this week at all. Although it's not like we were lacking on the entertainment front. Suits and Sherlock are fantastic options. I'm sure I'll watch Suits and fall in love too.But right now my head is in Sherlock land.
    Did you start Reborn yet? Tell me what it's like.
    I don't think I'll be continuing on with the Splintered trilogy. I thought Splintered was alright. But those covers! It's hard not to buy Ensnared based on the cover alone. :D

  8. Awesome haul! I've been really wanting to pick up Jennifer Rush's series because I remember hearing so many great things back when Altered first came out. A.G. Howard's series sounds pretty good too-I may have to pick up the first book. I hope you enjoy! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
