
1 February 2015

Showcase Sunday #93

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week!

Hello everyone! How has your week been? Mines has been pretty busy. I was working quite a bit this week, but I still managed to get a lot of reading done. I'm still working my way through season 3 of Suits, and my fiance and I have finally finished season 1 of House of Cards! We'll be moving onto season 2 soon.

Book-wise, this week one of my pre-orders showed up early and I was so excited! I also got approved for a book on Netgalley and downloaded one from Edelweiss.

• physical
Invaded (Alienated #2) by Melissa Landers

Half Wild (Half Bad #2) by Sally Green

Get Dirty (Don't Get Mad #2) by Gretchen McNeil

What books did you get this week?


  1. INVADED! I cannot wait till my preorder ships and I can finally get my hands on it!
    YAY for getting approved for books! I also got approved for a pair of books on NG and I was over the moon!
    Happy reading Samantha!

  2. I didn't know Get Even was part of a series, interesting. Happy reading :D

  3. I still need to get around to reading Half Bad, the cover for Half Wild is really pretty :)

  4. You got some interesting books. Been seeing these books around the blogosphere. Great haul.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  5. HALF WILD!!!! AHHHH!!! (can you see my green face from there? lol)
    How's Invaded? Is it a duology? I swear I heard that....
    Still haven't started Suits. But I'm still in a serious Sherlock hangover.
