
22 February 2015

Showcase Sunday #95

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week!

Hi everyone! This week has been a super, super busy week for me. I've hardly been in the house and when I have, I just haven't had any energy to do anything. So next week I refuse to leave the house except to go to work. I want to have a nice, quiet, relaxing week because I'm absolutely shattered.
I went to an author event this week in my local library. Mason Cross (the author of The Killing Season) was doing a talk about his second book The Samaritan. I keep meaning to get around to starting his books and after his excerpt from The Samaritan, I think I'll be reading them soon!

Bookwise, this week I've only got two books to show you guys. One of my kindle pre-orders was released this week and I also got a book from Netgalley! Both of which I devoured as soon as I got them.

The Return (Titan #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

All That Glitters (Geek Girl #4) by Holly Smale

What books did you get this week?


  1. I need to read some J.L. Armentrout, I have so many of her books and I've yet to read any. I hope this week you manage to relax and enjoy your reading time :)

  2. Yay for the new Holly Smale! Hope you enjoy :)

  3. Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of those authors I just haven't managed to get to yet, I really need to, soon!

    I hope the next week isn't as hectic as last week for you!

    - Wattle @ Whimsical Nature

  4. Great haul! The Geek Girl series seems like a fun series that I'd really enjoy. I may have to pick up the first books! I hope you enjoy your books and have a great week. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. Yea, stay in bed and do nothing for a week. That's living the dream right there. :)
    Oh The Return. I will also devour you as soon as I can. Than we can gush and swoon about Seth and his abs. Lol
    I actually just ordered the 3rd Geek Girl off of BD last week. I still haven't read it. But I was waiting for it to be released in the paperback that matches the first two books. #booknerdproblems I'll look out for your review. I'm sure this one was as hilarious as expected. :)

  6. Your cover of The Return is much different than mine is. I enjoyed the Return. I hope you do as well.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  7. YES!! I also read The Return as soon as it downloaded in my Kindle! I loved it and I cannot wait to hear what you thought of it, and I'm so curious that it's got such a different cover in the UK!
    Hopefully you'll have a quieter week, Samantha! Happy reading!
