
26 May 2015

Ten Books I Plan To Have In My Beach Bag This Summer

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This weeks topic is:

Ten Books I Plan To Have In My Beach Bag This Summer
1. Dream a Little Dream by Giovanna Fletcher - Giovanna writes fantastic contemporaries and her newest one sounds like a great summer/beach read.
2. A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger - I've only read one of Keplinger's books so far, but I loved it and I need to read more.
3. Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen - A Sarah Dessen book is a must for the beach.
4. Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty - Jessica Darling is hilarious and would definitely keep me entertained on the beach.
5. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson - This is the only Matson book I haven't read, but I've heard it's a tear-jerker so I'll need to read it with my sunglasses on!
6. I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios - Another possible tear-jerker, but I'm dying to read it.
7. Breathe by Abbi Glines - This one just seems like the perfect beach read.
8. Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella - I adore Sophie Kinsella's writing style so I'd definitely bring one of hers to the beach since she's hilarious!
9. What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen - Another Dessen book. I just love her books.
10. Vivien's Heavenly Ice Cream Shop by Abby Clements - An ice cream shops just screams beach read!

What books would be in your beach bag?


  1. I also chose one of the Jessica Darlings books, they were absolutely hilarious! I love your picks!

    My TTT:

    1. I've only read the first one, but they definitely are hilarious! I can't wait to read more of them!

  2. What a cute and fluffy list - perfect for beach then! :) I'd like to read I'll meet you there, because if I remember correctly the love interest is a soldier (?). And I just have this weak spot for soldiers, even though I'm anti-war until the end haha.

  3. I love Giovanna Fletcher! Her books are great and she's so sweet it's ridiculous Haven't read this one but I'll definitely get to it! I haven't actually read anything by Sarah Dessen but she's every where so I guess I'll cave under the pressure some time soon.

    Here's my picks :)

  4. Hiya Samantha! Lovely picks here :-) I can't wait to read Dream a Little Dream, absolutely love Giovanna's books :-) I'm a new follower too by the way so hiya! :-) Here's my TTT if you would like to check it out! Have a great day :-)

  5. Sophie Kinsella and Morgan Matson are both perfect summer beach reads! Light and funny but with a bit more to them as well. I love them! Great choices, these are some fantastic summer reads!
    My TTT

  6. Just looking at these they scream summer/beach reads! I haven't read any of these but illl definitely check some out. Great list!

  7. All the cute romances will be in my bag. But I don't think that's really different from anytime of the year. Lol.
    I'll Meet You There had me crying, but it was good tears. I promise. Lol!
    Dream A Little Dream is almost here! YAY!
    Dessen is the summer queen. Guess that's why her books always come out in late spring. Saint Anything is probably in my top 3 favourites of her books.
    I'm in need of a Jessica fix. So I think a re-read is in order very soon.
    I cannot believe I've yet to read a Glines book. That should also be fixed very soon.

  8. I'll Meet You There should be on my list - I've had my eyes on it for awhile now!

    Check out my TTT.

  9. Great list! I totally agree re: Jessica Darling and Can You Keep A Secret? Two of my all time favorites!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT!!

  10. That is a different cover than I have seen before on A Midsummer's Nightmare. I will have to check to see if that one got culled from my list. If it has, I am going to add it back on my TBR and try to get to it this summer. Here's to a great summer of reading!
