
21 June 2015

Showcase Sunday #101

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. This meme allows book bloggers to show off the books they collected over the last week!

Hello everyone! This week has been a very busy week. I did my last shifts at the library, which was pretty sad; I also went out with one of the girls who used to work in the library with me to see Jurassic World (which was even more awesome the second time!); I went out for lunch with my fiancé (the food wasn't that great) and I also went out to dinner on Friday with my family. 

Bookwise, I bought a few kindle books this week and I also got approved for a book on Netgalley!

• kindle
Scorched (Frigid #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Heart & Soul (Lost & Found #5) by Nicole Williams
Return to Bluebell Hill by Rebecca Pugh

Dark Vision (Dark Vision #1) by Debbie Johnson

What books did you get this week?


  1. Return to Bluebell Hill sounds like a great book for summer. Hope you'll enjoy all your books. :)

  2. Scorched was excellent. I love JLA's books. She is an awesome writer. I hope you love all of her books.

    Grace @ Books of Love
