
12 January 2016

Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn't

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This weeks topic is:

Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn't

I read a lot of 2015 releases last year, but there were still quite a few that I didn't get around to reading and will definitely be making time for this year!

1. Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
2. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
3. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
4. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan
5. End of Days by Susan Ee
6. The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead
7. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
8. All In by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
9. The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
10. The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick

What 2015 did you mean to get around to last year but didn't get the chance?


  1. Your first three books should really be of the highest priority Sam!! 5 STARS ALL OF THEM for me and Six of Crows & Illuminae where on my top 10 faves! And Their Fractured Light wasn't there because I read it after the week of top 10 in December!!

  2. We've both got the new Rick Riordin title on our lists this week - though the fact that it never seems to stay on the shelf for more than a day makes me think we're some of the few who haven't read it yet! :)

  3. I still need to read Their Fractured Light too. And I need to do it before I forget all the details from the previous two.
    Magnus Chase easily made his way to the top of my favourite Riordan characters. He's so sassy and sarcastic.
    I know you'll get to Illuminae and Six of Crows soon. And love both.
    I DNF'd An Ember in the Ashes. It was so dull.

  4. Magnus Chase was on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

  5. I think Rick Riordan is now simply on my "Why haven't you read him list?" because i have still yet to read any of his books (I know, I know...) I did read An Emeber in the Ashes and despite a large majority liking it...I honestly couldn't stand it. It was hard to keep reading but it was an ARC from the bookstore so I endeavored to complete it....

    Great list!

    -Casey @ LPC

  6. Ooh, I found the whole Their Fracture Light series (whatever it's called) on ebook at the library, so I look forward to reading it this year. I'm also considering Rick Riordan's books, but I feel like there were just so many books when I looked? And that overwhelms me, weird as it may be lol.

  7. I don't think enough people have read The Fixer so I 100% think you should read that one. Six of Crows is really good! Enjoy!

  8. Eeee, yes you must get to Illuminae and Six of Crows! Two of my faves from last year. :D I also really enjoyed End of Days, it wasn't quite the conclusion I was hoping for, but still very satisfying.
